A Bridge Too Far: One Of The Best And Most Authentic War Films I've Seen.
A Bridge Too Far follows one of the allied worst military disasters during the Second World War. For everyone who knows about Operation Market Garden will know what I mean. It was deemed to my view as a bit too ambitious but a gallant try to liberate the whole of Holland (Netherlands) from Nazi occupation. If you were wondering why I called it Holland and not Netherlands is because a lot of Brits would have called it Holland. I'm not too certain why that was the actual case, so please bear with me on that one. Oh and I would have loved to quite literally waffle on about the whole entire operation, but we would be here all day, or as of my writing this on 10th October, 21 night. So no further ado.
Now I'm going to do the unusual and place what I didn't like about the film. *Clear throat* How they did a dirty on Stanisław Sosabowski. How they portrayed him was quite a whingy wee bastard you would automatically turn into George Patton and slap him in the face to stop him from being a massive twat. Whilst in real life he was quite pissed that he wasn't allowed to partake in the Warsaw Uprising that was ongoing. By Monty's logic, he was definitely needed for Market Garden. He still followed orders and for the first part of the operation it was at least semi successful.
What I first thought it was terrible for the film, was how they portrayed a character, without me realising that the fictional person who was concerned about the operation failing, was trying to warn about Walter Model's 9th and 10th SS Panzer Divisions (Hohenstaufen and Frundsberg". It turned out there was an actual reason why they made him panicky and sadly can't remember the fella's name right about now was used to shoehorn in a lot of people. Model wasn't a push over so it turned out.
What I enjoyed about the film was the fact how they shot the film on locations for all of the major bridges involved from Nederrijn, Arnhem and every other location within the battle. You also have an actual cameraman jumping out of the plane along with the actors and see it in first person view. Richard Attenborough's attention to detail is what I love about old films like A Bridge Too Far, you don't get that many who spends a lot of time getting a film full of soul and how a lot of modern films, just as much as some are quite good, feels the polar opposite to authentic. What was also interesting was that apparently people asked him why did they make a film where the Nazis won, he replied back, it's history or something along the lines. The other main part I like about it, was how bloody strange it felt seeing Lt. General Bittrich taunting with chocolate bars.
Did the actors do a spectacular job performing as their roles in the film? My answer is a resounding yes, they pulled it off nicely, especially when you have the likes of Edward Fox, Michael Caine, Sean Connery and a few other worthy mentions. Also please note I'm not going to cover every character because that would be far too painstakingly long.

Now time for my most favoured quotes of characters/historical figures. First up is Maj. Gen. Urquhart who was played by the late Sean Comery. "I thought everyone knew that God was a Scotsman." " I took 10,000 of our finest troops to Arnhem; I've come back with less than 2,000. I don't feel much like sleeping." Not like I can blame him in seeing 4/5ths of your men getting wiped out and wounded. " Hancock. I've got lunatics laughing at me from the woods. My original plan has been scuppered now that the jeeps haven't arrived. My communications are completely broken down. Do you really believe any of that can be helped by a cup of tea?"

Lt. Colonel J.O.E. Vandeleur played by Michael Caine.
Lt. Colonel J.O.E. Vandeleur : "Remember what the general said; we're the cavalry. It would be bad form to arrive in advance of schedule. In the nick of time would do nicely."
Lt. Colonel J.O.E. Vandeleur : [whispering to his adjutant] Christ, not us again.
Lt. General Horrocks : [Hearing Vandeleur's statement to his adjutant] What do you say to that, J.O.E?
Lt. Colonel J.O.E. Vandeleur : [getting up from his chair and addressing General Horrocks] Uh, delighted, sir. Truly delighted.
[the corps erupts in laughter again as Horrocks smiles. Vandeleur sits back down] I couldn't exactly quote it without Horrocks being included.
Lt. General Horrocks : Kickoff will be at 14:35 hours tomorrow afternoon. The Irish Guards under the command of Col. Vandeleur will take the lead.
Lt. Colonel J.O.E. Vandeleur : [sotto voce] Christ, not us again.
Lt. General Horrocks : What'd you say to that, Joe?
Lt. Colonel J.O.E. Vandeleur : Delighted, sir, truly delighted.
Lt. General Horrocks : I've selected you to lead us, not only because of your extraordinary fighting ability, but also because, in the unlikely event the Germans ever get you, they will assume from your attire that they've captured a wretched peasant and immediately send you on your way. At this rate it would almost be impossible to do a seperate for Hollocks.
Col. Robert Stout : I'm Bobby Stout.
Lt. Colonel J.O.E. Vandeleur : Have you ever been liberated before?
Col. Robert Stout : I got divorced twice, does that count?
Lt. Colonel J.O.E. Vandeleur : That counts.

This particular scene from Major Harry Caryle (Guy with a brolley) and Lt Colonel John " I walk through barrage attacks" Frost. Yes Frost actually did that in real life and he said so himself along with a few witnesses. Played by Christopher Good and Anthony Hopkins.
[an SS officer is approaching under a white flag]
Major Harry Carlyle : Rather interesting development, sir.
[to the German]
Major Harry Carlyle : That's far enough! We can hear you from there!
SS Panzer Officer : My general says there is no point in continuing this fighting! He wishes to discuss terms of a surrender!
Major Harry Carlyle : Shall I answer him, sir?
Lt. Col. John Frost : Tell him to go to hell.
Major Harry Carlyle : We haven't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner! Sorry!
SS Panzer Officer : [confused] What?
Major Harry Carlyle : We'd like to, but we can't accept your surrender! Was there anything else?
[German officer walks off]
Lt. Col. John Frost : Well, that's that.
[the officer returns to General Bittrich, and they converse in German]
SS Panzer Officer : They rejected our surrender offer. What are your orders, Herr General?
Lt. General Bittrich : Flatten Arnhem.
Yes the full set of words had to be added for this to work. - Interesting fact that Major Harry although in real life was actually Digby Tatham-Warter
only held a brolley and wore a bowler hat. For some reason they gave him a helmet, but I won't whinge over that minor detail. There was an actual reason why, apart from impaling those pesky panzer drivers in the eye, it was because it was easier to communicate. The Paratrooper who fought with an Umbrella and a Bowler Hat - YouTube For full context.

Maj. General Stanislaw Sosabowski played by Gene Hackman
Maj. General Stanislaw Sosabowski : God bless Field Marshal Montgomery. Before jumping out of the plane.
Lt. Gen. Frederick Browning : Only the weather can stop us now.
General Stanislaw Sosaboski : Weather. What of the Germans, General Browning. Don't you think that if we know Arnhem is so critical to their safety that they might know it too?
Lt. General Frederick Browning : See here, General Sosaboski, I should think you would have more faith in Field Marshal Montgomery's plan.
General Stanislaw Sosaboski : Faith? I will tell you how much faith I have. I am thinking of asking for a letter from you stating that I was ordered to go on this mission in case my men are massacred.
Lt. General Frederick Browning : I see... I do see. Do you wish such a letter?
General Stanislaw Sosaboski : No... In the case of massacre: what difference will it make?

Lt General Bittrich. Played by Maximilian Schell.
[Bittrich listens in amazement as Frost's troops relentlessly storm the Arnhem bridge]
Lt. Gen. Wilhelm Bittrich : [in German] Fool's courage...
Lt. General Bittrich : Yes, thousands of paratroopers have landed in Nijmegen... right on top of Field Marshal Model.
General Ludwig : I'll bet they landed in his soup!
Lt. General Bittrich : You'd like that, wouldn't you?
[after the fighting is over, Bittrich rides in to meet the English captives. He sees Frost, who is sitting on the ground with a leg injury. He offers a bar of chocolate and says something in German]
Bittrich's Aide : My general says, please take it. It's very good chocolate. Your planes dropped it to us yesterday.
[Frost waits a few moments, then takes the chocolate]
Lt. Gen. Wilhelm Bittrich : English?
[Frost nods]
Field Marshal Model : No reinforcements to Arnhem. Von Runstedt says we will need them for our counter attack.
Lt. General Bittrich : Counterattack! With what?
Field Marshal Model : Paratroopers are lightly armed and equipped. They cannot hold out for long. If we can hold up their infantry on the road to Arnhem, they will be forced to surrender.

Field Marshal Model was played by Walter Kohult.
Field Marshal Model's aide : Field Marshal, thousands of paratroops have landed in this area, three kilometres from here.
Field Marshal Model : What? Why? There is nothing important here... me! I'm important! They must've landed here just to capture me.
[stands from his lunch and moves to the door]
Field Marshal Model : Get my car ready.
[makes to leave]
Field Marshal Model's aide : Yes, sir!
[about to leave himself]
Field Marshal Model : [pops back in and shouts] And don't forget my cigars! He seriously didn't speak all that much.

Brig. Gen. Gavin played by Ryan O'Neal
Gavin is discussing the glitches that have come up]
Captain Harry Bestebreurtje : I don't want to hear any more. Is there any more?
Brigadier General James Gavin : You're my Dutch advisor, Harry.
Captain Harry Bestebreurtje : What's that supposed to mean?
Brigadier General James Gavin : Just that the Germans first tried to take Nijmeagen Bridge in 1940; and got slaughtered.
Brigadier General Gavin : What's the best way to take a bridge?
Maj. Julian Cook : Both ends at once.
Brigadier General Gavin : I'm sending two companies across the river by boat. I need a man with very special qualities to lead.
Maj. Julian Cook : Go on, sir.
Brigadier General Gavin : He's got to be tough enough to do it and he's got to be experienced enough to do it. Plus one more thing. He's got to be dumb enough to do it... Start getting ready.
U.S. captain : What was all that about, Major?
Maj. Julian Cook : Well someone's come up with a real nightmare. Real nightmare.
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